Forex Analysis

Forex Commentary from Morgan Stanley

If you wish to receive Morgan Stanley daily forex commentary (and many other research) on a regular basis, subscribe now or get a free 5-day trial. Morgan Stanley FX Morning  – Forex Commentary Oil markets have been out of focus as prices have stayed in a US$43-48 range. This range has allowed broader markets to […]

Nomura Global Markets Research – Trump tracking

Nomura on Donald Trump’s presidency probability. Find out what a Trump presidency would mean for markets in this Nomura FX Insights research report.

Credit Suisse FX Strategist: Moment of truth?

If you wish to receive Credit Suisse FX Strategist pdf research report (and many other) on a regular basis, subscribe now or request a free 5-day trial. Credit Suisse FX Strategist research: Moment of truth? Exactly what the Chinese government’s objective for the CNY exchange rate is remains uncertain, in our view. However, the pace […]

Nomura Research: What’s Correlating in FX

If you wish to receive Nomura research reports on a daily basis (and many other interesting analysis), subscribe now or request a free 5-day trial. We have constructed a monitor that tracks 1,961 correlations across markets (see full monitor on second page). To strike the right balance between stability and relevance, we focus on three-month […]

Societe Generale FX Daily – The Fed’s in a pickle

If you wish to receive Societe Generale FX Daily pdf research report (and many other) on a daily basis, subscribe now or request a free 5-day trial. ■  The odds of this week’s US FOMC meeting delivering a rate hike are zero, according to Bloomberg. The chances of a cut are higher, but only 2%. […]

Morgan Stanley FX Morning – April 11

If you wish to receive Morgan Stanley FX Morning pdf research report (and many other) on a daily basis, subscribe now or request a free 5-day trial.   Why JPY has further upside: We expect further flows from various market participants to continue to support JPY. First, Friday’s reluctance for JPY to weaken (indicating de-risking […]

Credit Suisse research – A top for Japan confirmed

If you wish to receive this Credit Suisse research report (and many other) on a daily basis, subscribe or request a free 5-day trial.   USDJPY finally confirms a medium-term top As we have already highlighted on a couple of occasions this year (A major top for  Japan,  20th January),  we  have  been  bears  of  […]

Commerzbank research – How much upside potential does EUR-USD have?

If you wish to receive this Commerzbank research report (and many other) on a daily basis, subscribe or request a free 5-day trial.   How much upside potential does EUR-USD have? EUR-USD is trading above 1.13  –  a  consequence of general USD weakness after the market’s re-assessment of the Fed expectations. Such levels, however, could […]

UBS Research – FX Flows: USD weakness not echoed in flow data

If you wish to receive this UBS research report (and many other) on a daily basis, subscribe or request a free 5-day trial.   A mixed picture… The theme of the week was broad based dollar weakness, but USD flows were less clear-cut showing a more or less flat picture (Figure 1). Despite the notable […]

Deutsche Bank G10 Trade Idea of the Week – Short EUR/SEK

If you wish to receive this report (and many other) on a daily basis, subscribe or request a free 5-day trial. Target 9.15, stop 9.52, entry 9.4250 These  are  relatively  good  levels  to  reenter  EUR/SEK  shorts,  Thursday’s Riksbank  meeting  notwithstanding.  Even  if  the  Riksbank  were  to  cut  rates again, a very strong domestic data pulse […]

Goldman Sachs – China: FX reserves fell US$99bn in January to US$3.23tn

If you wish to receive this report (and many other) on a daily basis, subscribe or request a free 5-day trial. Bottom line: The PBOC’s FX reserves decreased US$99bn to US$3.23tn in January (Bloomberg consensus: -$118bn; December: -$108bn). After adjusting for estimated currency valuation effects, the fall in reserves may have been about US$89bn (vs. […]

Citibank FX Pick of the Day

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